Public Register

In accordance with NHS England Guidance the Public Register displays declarations of interest made by our staff. The Summary section displays totals for the selected financial year. The Declarations section displays a list of recent declarations, which can be filtered and viewed individually.


Financial Year
Staff TypeStaff CountStaff That Have Made A DeclarationStaff That Have Not Made A DeclarationTotal Number of Declarations Made
Non Contracted1018813302
Decision Makers130411981063131
Non Decision Makers58517179


Total Records: 1299
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07/10/2024 - Shan Foster
Designated Nurse Safeguarding Children & Adults [96505]
Nil Declaration
03/10/2024 - Megan Hurst
Finance Officer - Primary Care
Nil Declaration
03/10/2024 - Jennifer Bailey
Programme Manager
Nil Declaration
03/10/2024 - Amelia Richards
Brokerage Officer
Nil Declaration
02/10/2024 - Susan Kilgallen
Business Intelligence Manager
Nil Declaration
02/10/2024 - Julie Knowles
Desig Nurse Safeguarding Children & Children in Care [96508]
Nil Declaration
02/10/2024 - Anthony McLeod
Senior Commissioning & Transformation Manager
Nil Declaration
02/10/2024 - Louise Green
CHC Admin - Liverpool
Nil Declaration
02/10/2024 - Karen Prior
NHS C&M Board Healthwatch Rep
Nil Declaration
02/10/2024 - Laura Seville
Complex Case Mental Health Practitioner [96507]
Nil Declaration
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Civica Declare Version 6.29



You can filter the interest declaration records by a combination of interest type, job role, value, period, decision making group and keyword. The keyword field compares the string you enter to both the full name of the staff member associated with the declaration as well as the description. Note that when filtering by 'Total to date' all interests that are continuous by nature will be returned against every search.


You can sort the interest declaration records by Date Interest Declared, Date Interest Arose , First Name and Last Name

NHS Cheshire and Merseyside
No 1 Lakeside 920 Centre Park Warrington WA1 1QY